

The ‘Compas’ are devoted followers of regional Mexican music, characterized by their strong work ethic, sense of community, and loyalty. Although the lyrics often explore heartbreak, these followers are known for their emotional stability. Extroverted and observant, they value tradition, family, and are guided by their emotions. In Mexico and the United States, regional Mexican music is not just a genre but a symbol of cultural roots and loyalty.

Emblematic Bands

• Christian Nodal
• Grupo Firme
• Banda MS
• Natanael Cano
• Los Tigres del Norte
• Eden Muñoz
• Intocable
• Grupo Frontera

Favorite Events



Neon Lovers19-34, live for electronic music

Cool Squad18-34, Indie music lovers

Latin Rockers13-34, supporters of everything made in Mexico and rock in Spanish

Heavy Heads20-26 and 27-45, they listen to metal and its sub-genres

Strawberry Fans13-26, Fans of current radio and pop hits

The Legends25-40 and 40-65, they enjoy international classics

Remember Forever25-40, they lean towards nostalgic pop

Wolf PackMexican Families

(18-45, loyal to regional music)

(18-30, reggaeton lovers)

(16-27, digital natives)

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