The ‘Heavy Head’ is a passionate metal music fan, standing out for their unwavering loyalty and commitment to the genre. Although they tend to be more introverted, they enjoy gathering with other metalheads to share experiences, talk about their favorite bands, and applaud the virtuosity of the melodies. They are knowledgeable and meticulous in distinguishing between the various sub-genres of metal, displaying their loyalty proudly by wearing shirts of their favorite bands.
Although many are now office workers, the ‘Heavy Heads’ grew up with the genre and have not abandoned it. Often misunderstood, they are one of the most respectful and well-behaved audiences around.
Emblematic Bands
• Iron Maiden
• Ozzy Osbourne
• Judas Priest
• Marilyn Manson
• Scorpions
Neon Lovers19-34, live for electronic music
Cool Squad18-34, Indie music lovers
Latin Rockers13-34, supporters of everything made in Mexico and rock in Spanish
Heavy Heads20-26 and 27-45, they listen to metal and its sub-genres
Strawberry Fans13-26, Fans of current radio and pop hits
The Legends25-40 and 40-65, they enjoy international classics
Remember Forever25-40, they lean towards nostalgic pop
Wolf PackMexican Families
(18-45, loyal to regional music)
(18-30, reggaeton lovers)
(16-27, digital natives)
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