

“The ‘Next-Gen’ embody the digital evolution with their identity as digital natives, creative, and committed to social justice. With a strong sense of authenticity, these individuals not only navigate skillfully in the online world but also actively advocate for equality and justice.

Their innate ability to multitask translates into a deep interest in online content creation, where they value authenticity over perfection. This archetype represents the perfect blend of the digital age and a passionate commitment to equity, thus defining the ‘Next-Gen’ generation.”

Emblematic Bands

• Billie Eilish
• Olivia Rodrigo
• Bad Bunny
• Great diversity in musical tastes, artists, and genres

Favorite Events

• Tecate Pa'l Norte
• Coca-Cola Flow Fest
• Tecate Emblema
• AXE Ceremonia
• Vaivén
• Dale MIXX
• Heineken Silver Live Out
• Pulso GNP
• Bravo GNP
• Tecate Sonoro
• Tecate Supremo


Neon Lovers19-34, live for electronic music

Cool Squad18-34, Indie music lovers

Latin Rockers13-34, supporters of everything made in Mexico and rock in Spanish

Heavy Heads20-26 and 27-45, they listen to metal and its sub-genres

Strawberry Fans13-26, Fans of current radio and pop hits

The Legends25-40 and 40-65, they enjoy international classics

Remember Forever25-40, they lean towards nostalgic pop

Wolf PackMexican Families

(18-45, loyal to regional music)

(18-30, reggaeton lovers)

(16-27, digital natives)

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