We take pride in presenting our fans with the most prominent events featuring the great exponents of regional music. From the incomparable cumbia of Los Ángeles Azules, the iconic voice of Alejandro Fernández, and the legendary sound of Los Bukis to the freshness of Virlán García, Joss Favela, and other renowned talents.
Each event is a celebration of the richness and diversity of the regional genre, bringing our audience a unique and thrilling experience that resonates with the roots and passion of this musical style.
Christian Nodal Foro Sol
Alejandro Fernández Plaza de Toros México
Intocable Auditorio Nacional
Grupo Firme Foro Sol
Alex Fernández Teatro Metropólitan
Los Tigres del Norte Auditorio Nacional
Marco Antonio Solís Foro Sol
Los Ángeles Azules Auditorio Nacional
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