“A festival that pays homage to the women leading and setting trends in the music industry. It’s a space dedicated to celebrating and highlighting feminine power, sharing inspiring stories, and emphasizing the impact of female artists in music.
This event, cherished by a broad audience, is a vibrant celebration of female talent that leaves a lasting mark on the music industry.”
Curve 4 - Autódromo Hnos. Rodríguez / CDMX
• Pop
• Rock
• Regional
• Urbano
• Avril Lavigne
• Ximena Sariñana
• Francisca Valenzuela
• Mónica Saldaña
Strawberry Fans
13-26, Fans of current radio and pop hits
Cool Squad
18-34, Indie music lovers
Latin Rockers
13-34, supporters of everything made in Mexico and rock in Spanish
18 to 34 years old
SEL: ABC+ 16% | C 50% | D+ 6% | D,E 28%
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