Remind GNP GDL
Nostalgia is a universal feeling that transcends borders, which is why Remind GNP will take its first edition to another state so everyone can delight in this unforgettable experience.
This event, filled with memories and emotions, expands its horizons to offer a broader audience the opportunity to immerse themselves in this incredible journey, where nostalgia becomes a bridge between generations and shared experiences.
Calle 2, Guadalajara
Pop and Rock from decades past
+/- 20,000 people
• The Jackson's
• Gipsy Kings
• Village People
Cool Squad
18-34, Indie music lovers
Remember Forever
25-40, they lean towards nostalgic pop
18 to 50 years
SEL: ABC+ 17% | C 15% | D+ 33% | D,E 35%
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