This festival is much more than a mere event: it’s an escape to a world of memories intertwined with the greatest milestones of pop. It’s a universe of dance, an explosion of colors, and a diverse palette of sounds.
It brings together the masters of pop and their related genres, creating an atmosphere where the vibration is contagious, and everyone, without exception, immerses themselves in an unparalleled sensory experience.
Curve 4 - Autódromo Hnos. Rodríguez / CDMX
• Internacional Mainstream
• Electrónica
• Pop
+/- 120,000 people
• Gwen Stefani
• Twenty One Pilots
• One Republic
• Maná
• Bunbury
Strawberry Fans
13-26, Fans of current radio and pop hits
Cool Squad
18-34, Indie music lovers
Latin Rockers
13-34, supporters of everything made in Mexico and rock in Spanish
18 to 34 years old
SEL: ABC+ 44% | C 36% | D+ 7% | D,E 13%
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